It's Nice
Although I am not able to log in the amount of hands and hours as I would like to, December has been a very very good month. Since most of my friends are back for the break, I have been busy with them so it is hard for me to find hours to play poker. Nevertheless, I have been able to find very bad players at 5/10 and 10/25 level. So far since thanksgiving, I am up over 60,000 in about 25,000 hands. I have been mainly destroying fishes at 5/10 and 10/25 heads up on FTP and UB. I don't know how I compare to regulars there but I can't be much worse. I have seen Gaucho plays most of them and they are nothing spectacular with the exception of samoleus from 2+2. So today, I went to gamestop to pick up fifa for xbox360 since mine broke. I asked the guy when are they going to get the playstation 3. He responded "Do you want one?". I was ecstatic. I bought the system and a couple of games. I got the Madden and Ultimate Alliance. Its pretty sweet. Last 30 days, I have probably spent at least 2000 dollars at that store. They changed the Madden control from the last one so I have to relearn a lot of controls. It is kinda annoying but the graphics are so much sweeter so the controls don't even matter.
Hey,i was wondering if you could mentor me? I am a pretty solid 1/2 player (I think, though not the last couple days)...I have been reading the blog that taylor is mentoring and I am pretty envious at how fast that guy moved up from 1/2 to 3/6. I was playing 2/4 but ran bad (or played bad) and had to move back down. IM name on aim is pokersanjuan, i fyou could instant message me that'd be cool
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