
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Moving Site

I am moving my blog to Cardrunners site officially. Here is the link: http://www.cardrunners.com/members/index.php?option=com_mamblog&Itemid=29&task=show&action=user&id=3197

Monday, September 24, 2007

Protest In Burma

Finally things might be turning around in the country. Thousands and thousands of Buddhist monks has led a peaceful protest against the current government in Burma. This is the biggest protest since about 18 years ago when there was a student protest. It was very ugly. A lot of protesters were killed or jailed. It is very hard for the government to interfere with the monks since Burma is a very religious country and monks are the most well respected members in the country. Hopefully more people will follow the monk lead and join the protest because the military government have to go. It has been too long and country has sunk in every level badly in the last decade. An ordinary person makes about 10-15 dollars a month and we have Mercedes and BMW on the street every where. The gap in the low class and high class is unreal. A pound of chicken costs about 2 dollars in Burma now. With 10 dollars a month, that is 20% of the monthly wage. Its just unreal. I heard a lot of celebrities have joined in. I really hope people don't get hurt because I think if the protest keep getting bigger, they might use the military an open fire

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekly Update

Things are going along well. It seems like I always run hot in the beginning of the week and end of the week. The middle of the week has been a grind just like always. But I feel like I have been playing well. I finally recovered from the blackjack losses I had about 10 days ago.

Here are some of the gem hands from last week:
Villian here is a regular and keep constantly raising my blind and I have been reraising him with a very wide range of hands and he seems to be pretty frustrated. This time i felt like he might 4 bet me preflop so I just called with 97hh in the blinds. Because of how deep we were I floated him with an inside straight draw and luckily I hit my inside straight and he stacked off pretty light with AA.

Here i raised with QT from the button after a few limpers and every called. On the flop of KJ8, one of the callers led out around 2/3 of the pot into 4 people. That is a very strong play and i was very sure he has a very strong hand. I called hoping to hit my straight draw. When i hit the turn and he mashes pot, I was 100% sure he has two pair or set and I overshoved with my straight and he called with top two.

The guy in this hand is a complete fish. He plays about 50/3/1 game. Very passive. When I flopped a flush draw and he led, i was sure he has a v v strong hand since he doesn't really ever lead. On the turn, i also got an open ended straight draw and he bets very strongly again. I would just fold the naked flush draw on the turn but with extra outs I called. On the river I made my straight and he stacked off with his AK which he rivered top two pair.

Hands like this made me laugh because it just shows how regulars have no respect to my bets and raises.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I am a diamond in the dirt that aint been found

Sometimes I feel like I complain too much. I seem to whine when i lose a pot. I see to whine when i lose a coin flip. I go to depression and think i am the unluckiest man in the world and such. I have been a solid winner at basically all stakes I play. There aren't that many of them around these days. I see so many people playing bad and get 5bb/100 for like 25-30k. It is kinda sick. So I finally got all my hands on this computer to load on to PokerEV and see how bad I run. I think it is really funny. I have seen graph where the green is above the red by quite a lot over 100k hands. I have seen graphs where they are exactly the same as it should be. Mine is just gross. Maybe I need to play better I don't really know. I used to play about 15k-20k hands most each month but now i am logging like 60k. I really can't wait till the day the green line and red line are the same because it will happen. I remember BldSwtTrs just laughs at people when they post 100k hand sample of hands. It really says nothing about the player he said. Apparently 400-500k is like a good size sample. So we will see after 400k hands.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Playing bad :-(

I don't know what to do. I need to remember flush draw is not the nuts against a check raise. The guy was very passive preflop and check raise me big on J 9 2 2 hearts board. I decided to repot him and get it in. I don't know whether it is the correct play or not. I guess it is not that bad but sigh.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekly Update

This week wasn't too good. I started out very hot then tailed off towards the end. I had a 10k break even which is fairly standard these days. I would say there are about 3-4 10k breakeven at least every 100k hands.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Depression and Suicide Watch

WTF? thats 10 buy ins at 2/4. I see people show me these after 3-5 buy ins. My god. I haven't won 80/20 preflop in so long. ARG. I would still have an Ok month if it wasn't for BJ. I am like even now.

Ship the iPhone

I went and got an iPhone today. Its so sick. Too bad I had to get a new number since i don't have cingular. Pretty ballin phone though.